Felonious Fixer

Iljax Ceateux

Looks like you found me huh? Well that's great news, we might be able to make somethin' work. Anything illicit, illegal, or downright impossible to get I've got the means to get to you discreetly. Kraken's Arms, Sanguine Sirens, Sky Pirates, worked with 'em all and as long as there's a need- I can take care of it.

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Nefarious Deeds at an Afordable Rate: If you're here it means youre in business for more illict goods. Lookin to avoid those pesky guards at checkpoints? Tired of having your sales gutted because of "Import Taxes"? Call in a favor and Iljax can get what you need past those pesky patrolmen and y'all can relish in newfound profits.Land, Sea, or Air: Got a connection with any Pirate factions? You might see Iljax walking out of their Headquarters having just picked up or delivered goods, what's it matter to you? They yours or somethin?Eorzean Prison Blues: If your lucks run out and you're in the clink maybe you've got a friend in you cell. Guy is a little annoying, won't shut up, wayy too nosey, but he did let it slip that he can cover his bail fine. Maybe he can bail you out too?